Results for 'Anne Swann Goodrich'

933 found
  1.  53
    The Peking Temple of the Eastern Peak, The Tung-yüeh Miao in Peking and Its LoreAppendix: Description of the Tung-yüeh Miao of Peking in 1927The Peking Temple of the Eastern Peak, The Tung-yueh Miao in Peking and Its LoreAppendix: Description of the Tung-yueh Miao of Peking in 1927.R. A. Stein, Anne Swann Goodrich & Janet R. Ten Broeck - 1966 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 86 (4):425.
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    (1 other version)Proust en bande dessinée.Anne-Marie Chartier - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 54 (2):53-58.
    Sur la couverture des albums parus aux éditions Delcourt, on peut lire « Marcel Proust, À la recherchedu temps perdu, adaptation et illustrations de Stéphane Heuet ». En affichant ainsi son rôle avec modestie,l’adaptateur-illustrateur réussit à faire endosser à Proust la paternité littéraire d’une BD , ce qui n’est pas rien. Comble d’ironie ou de provocation, la Recherche illustrée par Heuet,c’est Tintin au pays des Guermantes. Dans les cases rectangulaires d’un strip standard au graphisme résolument« ligne claire », ceux qui (...)
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    Direct measurements of stacking-fault energies from observations of dislocation nodes.A. Howie & P. R. Swann - 1961 - Philosophical Magazine 6 (70):1215-1226.
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    Pantomime and imitation in great apes.Anne E. Russon - 2018 - Interaction Studies 19 (1-2):200-215.
    This paper assesses great apes’ abilities for pantomime and action imitation, two communicative abilities proposed as key contributors to language evolution. Modern great apes, the only surviving nonhuman hominids, are important living models of the communicative platform upon which language evolved. This assessment is based on 62 great ape pantomimes identified via data mining plus published reports of great ape action imitation. Most pantomimes were simple, imperative, and scaffolded by partners’ relationship and scripts; some resemble declaratives, some were sequences of (...)
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  5. End-of-life policies and practices.Anne L. Botsford & Angela King - 2010 - In Sandra L. Friedman & David T. Helm (eds.), End-of-life care for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Washington, DC: American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
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  6. .Anne-Zahra Chemsseddoha - unknown
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    Désaffection dans l'institution : contre-violence educative et agirs adolescents.Anne-Valérie Mazoyer & Tristan Baills - 2011 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 1 (1):57-65.
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  8. The psychology of human research participation.Anne Moyer - 2013 - In Gregory J. Feist & Michael E. Gorman (eds.), Handbook of the psychology of science. New York: Springer Pub. Company, LLC.
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    (1 other version)L’agora : terrain Nannopoulos.Anne Pariente & Christos Piteros - 2008 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 132 (2):787-802.
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  10. Self-Regulation in Informal Workplace Learning: Influence of Organizational Learning Culture and Job Characteristics.Anne F. D. Kittel, Rebecca A. C. Kunz & Tina Seufert - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The digital shift leads to increasing changes. Employees can deal with changes through informal learning that enables needs-based development. For successful informal learning, self-regulated learning is crucial, i.e., to set goals, plan, apply strategies, monitor, and regulate learning for example by applying resource strategies. However, existing SRL models all refer to formal learning settings. Because informal learning differs from formal learning, this study investigates whether SRL models can be transferred from formal learning environments into informal work settings. More precisely, are (...)
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    Icônes 39.Anne-Valérie Gasc - 2009 - Multitudes 39 (4):1.
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    Just Health Care.Anne Donchin - 1989 - Noûs 23 (5):697-699.
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  13. Parks and Ardens.Anne Barton - 1993 - In Barton Anne (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 80: 1991 Lectures and Memoirs. pp. 49-71.
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    Learning to Teach Re in the Secondary School: A Companion to School Experience.Anne-Marie Brandom & Andrew Wright (eds.) - 2000 - Routledge.
    _Learning to Teach Religious Education in the Secondary School_ draws together insights from current educational theory and the best contemporary classroom teaching and learning, and suggests tasks, activities, and further reading designed to enhance the quality of initial school experience for the student teacher. It aims to support teachers in developing levels of religious and theological literacy, both of individual pupils and the society as a whole. Practising teachers and students will appreciate this comprehensive and accessible introduction to the craft (...)
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  15.  38
    The English political paradigm, 1780–1832.Anne Brownlow - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (1):72-77.
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    A commentary on 'two pathographies: A study in illness and literature'.Anne Hudson Jones - 1984 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 9 (3):257-260.
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    Review. Empedoclea. Ancient philosophy, mystery and magic: Empedocles and Pythagorean tradition. P Kingsley.Anne Sheppard - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (2):269-271.
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    Ciudad como imagen: Xanenetla, Puebla, México, la “Ciudad Mural”.Anne Kristiina Kurjenoja & María Emilia Ismael Simental - 2015 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 4 (2).
    Para construir una imagen y un discurso urbano diferente y duradero, y regenerar una identidad colectiva en el barrio patrimonial de Xanenetla, Puebla, un grupo de voluntarios de “Colectivo Tomate” propuso en 2010 llevar a cabo un Proyecto de muralismo urbano para detonar procesos de empoderamiento del espacio público a través de colaboración entre artistas y habitantes locales. En 2011, después de haber alcanzado visibilidad en los medios y en las redes sociales en México y en el extranjero, el Plan (...)
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    Einleitung.Anne Peters - 2007 - In Politikverlust?: Eine Fahndung Mit Peirce Und Žižek. Transcript Verlag. pp. 7-48.
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  20.  14
    L'interprétation d'Aristote par Hegel, de W. Kern.Anne Marie Roviello - 1985 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 3 (1).
  21.  34
    Is there evidence for unaware evaluative conditioning in a valence contingency learning task?Anne Gast, Jasmin Richter & Borys Ruszpel - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (1):57-73.
    ABSTRACTIn three experiments we investigated whether memory-independent evaluative conditioning and other memory-independent contingency learning effects occur in the valence contingency...
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    On what exists mathematically: Indispensability without platonism.Anne Newstead & James Franklin - forthcoming - In Brian Ellis (ed.), Metaphysical Realism.
    According to Quine’s indispensability argument, we ought to believe in just those mathematical entities that we quantify over in our best scientific theories. Quine’s criterion of ontological commitment is part of the standard indispensability argument. However, we suggest that a new indispensability argument can be run using Armstrong’s criterion of ontological commitment rather than Quine’s. According to Armstrong’s criterion, ‘to be is to be a truthmaker (or part of one)’. We supplement this criterion with our own brand of metaphysics, 'Aristotelian (...)
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  23.  10
    Die Formen der Philosophie in Deutschland und Frankreich =.Anne Baillot & Charlotte Coulombeau (eds.) - 2007 - [S.l.]: Wehrhahn.
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    Existenzialismus und Rechtswissenschaft.Anne L. Michaelis - 1958 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 19 (1):128-129.
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    Eighteenth century English patriotism and the French revolution.Anne E. Brownlow - 1992 - History of European Ideas 15 (1-3):289-296.
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    Approches du politique.Anne-Marie Cocula, Jean-Christophe Cassard, Charles Giry-Deloison, François Billacois, François Laplanche, Monique Cottret, Jean-François Baillon, Nicole Lemaitre, Bernard Cottret, Barbara de Negroni, Charles Porset, Tristan Lecoq & Bertrand Vergely - 1991 - Revue de Synthèse 112 (3-4):519-547.
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    Sous-traiter dans les Travaux publics au XVIIIe siècle, du cas à l’enquête.Anne Conchon - 2019 - Revue de Synthèse 140 (1-2):29-42.
    Résumé Alors que la sous-traitance est a priori proscrite dans le cadre des Travaux publics, elle est pourtant utilisée sur des chantiers de construction d’infrastructures, de façon à permettre aux entrepreneurs de réaliser des ouvrages requérant la mobilisation d’une main d’œuvre abondante et de savoir-faire complexes. Le contentieux qui opposa un entrepreneur de travaux, Pierre-Marin Legrand, à l’administration des Ponts et Chaussées à la fin du XVIIIe siècle apporte à cet égard de précieux éclaircissements sur cette relation de travail.
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  28. The interplay between policy and funding.Anne-Marie Coriat - 2021 - In Anne Lee & Rob Bongaardt (eds.), The future of doctoral research: challenges and opportunities. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Atoms and Providence in the Natural Philosophy of Francis Coventriensis.Anne Davenport - 2015 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 4 (1):29-45.
    During the Interregnum, English natural philosophers and chymists became deeply interested in Pierre Gassendi’s revival of Epicurean atomism. In the English context, strategies to accommodate atomism to Christian doctrines were fraught with religious and political implications. English Roman Catholics differed from their Protestant compatriots in insisting that God did not cease to operate miracles at the close of the apostolic age. The English friar known as Franciscus à Sancta Clara embraced atomism on the grounds that a new and better science (...)
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  30. Disorders of spatial orientation and awareness: Unilateral neglect.Anne Aimola Davies - 2004 - In Jennie Ponsford (ed.), Cognitive and Behavioral Rehabilitation: From Neurobiology to Clinical Practice. Guilford Press. pp. 175-223.
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    Autorité parentale et parentalité.Anne-Marie Devreux - 2004 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 165 (3):57-68.
    Dans le débat sur le partage de l’autorité parentale et la garde alternée, on a assisté d’un côté à la montée en puissance de la notion de « droit des pères », avec sa traduction juridique en termes d’égalisation des droits entre les parents, et, d’un autre côté, à des phénomènes de résistance des hommes à assumer les tâches de la parentalité. Pourtant, avec le maintien des mères dans l’emploi, les conditions sociales qui affectaient le travail domestique et parental aux (...)
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    24. Europäische Perspektiven der Aiternspolitik.Anne-Marie Guillemard - 1994 - In Ursula M. Staudinger, Jürgen Mittelstraß & Paul B. Baltes (eds.), Alter Und Altern: Ein Interdisziplinärer Studientext Zur Gerontologie. De Gruyter. pp. 614-639.
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    Latch On or Back Off? Public Health, Choice, and the Ethics of Breast-Feeding Promotion Campaigns.Anne Barnhill & Stephanie R. Morain - 2015 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 8 (2):139-171.
    Breastfeeding and human milk are the normative standards for infant feeding and nutrition. Given the documented short- and long-term medical and neurodevelopment advantages of breastfeeding, infant nutrition should be considered a public health issue and not only a lifestyle choice.In a letter sent out to 2600 hospitals across the country they [Public Citizen] demand that healthcare facilities “immediately discontinue the distribution of commercial infant formula manufacturer discharge bags,” claiming it undermines women’s success at breastfeeding. What they failed to explain is (...)
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    Who Enjoys Teaching, and When? Between- and Within-Person Evidence on Teachers’ Appraisal-Emotion Links.Anne C. Frenzel, Daniel Fiedler, Anton K. G. Marx, Corinna Reck & Reinhard Pekrun - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:536048.
    Testing assumptions proposed by Frenzel’s reciprocal model of teacher emotions (e.g., Frenzel, 2014 ), this study explored relations between teachers’ appraisals concerning the attainment and importance of their teaching goals, and their emotions. Specifically, we addressed teachers’ goals of high student performance, motivation, discipline, and high-quality teacher–student relationship and three key discrete emotions, namely, enjoyment, anger, and anxiety, during teaching. We had 244 secondary school teachers (70.1% female) self-report their goal attainment and importance appraisals and emotional experiences with respect to (...)
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    Animals, disease, and man: making connections.Dr Hardy Anne - 2003 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 46 (2):200-215.
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    A Cultural Analysis of Sustainability and Human Organizations.Anne Barraquier - 2012 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 23:112-121.
    What can we learn from pre-industrial societies and organizations to achieve a sustainable development? As the pressure on organizations for a more sustainable world is increasing, some suggest that pre-industrial societies have lessons to teach. Organizations studies have borrowed very little from anthropology studies and have therefore not benefited from the cultural analysis they provide. This paper digs into this untapped reservoir of knowledge, and suggests a twofold discussion. The first part presents counterintuitive results that dismiss common assumptions: indigenous organizations (...)
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  37. Wittgenstein and Ethics.Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen - 2024 - Cambridge University Press.
    In Ludwig Wittgenstein's writings, ethics takes a central place in his thinking. This element investigates his engagement with ethics in both early and later thinking. Starting from the remarks on ethics in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and the framing of these remarks, it presents two influential approaches to Tractarian ethics, before it develops a coherent reading of ethics in the early thinking, focusing on ethical silence and the relationship notions of world and the philosophical 'I'. The reading of 'A Lecture on (...)
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    Democracy, Inc.: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism by Sheldon Wolin.Anne Norton - 2011 - Constellations 18 (2):262-263.
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    Chapter 7. Is Green the Colour of our Redemption?Anne-Marie Reijnen - 2017 - In Samuel Andrew Shearn & Russell Re Manning (eds.), Returning to Tillich: Theology and Legacy in Transition. De Gruyter. pp. 87-96.
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    The fossil evidence for spatial cognition.Anne H. Weaver - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (3):424-425.
    Wynn's model for the evolution of spatial cognition is well supported by fossil evidence from brain endocasts, and from neurological studies of the cerebellum and the posterior parietal region of the cerebral cortex. Wynn's intriguing hypothesis that the spatial skill reflected in artifacts is an index of navigational ability, could be further explored by an analysis of lithic transport patterns.
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    Governing citizens and health professionals at a distance: A critical discourse analysis of policies of intersectorial collaboration in Danish health-care.Anne Bendix Andersen, Kirsten Frederiksen, Raymond Kolbaek & Kirsten Beedholm - 2017 - Nursing Inquiry 24 (4):e12196.
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    Correction and use of biomedical literature affected by scientific misconduct.Anne Victoria Neale, Justin Northrup, Rhonda Dailey, Ellen Marks & Judith Abrams - 2007 - Science and Engineering Ethics 13 (1):5-24.
    The purpose of this study was to identify and describe published research articles that were named in official findings of scientific misconduct and to investigate compliance with the administrative actions contained in these reports for corrections and retractions, as represented in PubMed. Between 1993 and 2001, 102 articles were named in either the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts (“Findings of Scientific Misconduct”) or the U.S. Office of Research Integrity annual reports as needing retraction or correction. In 2002, 98 of (...)
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  43.  48
    The conception of possibility in meinong's "gegenstandstheorie".Anne L. Michaelis - 1941 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 2 (3):394-403.
  44.  12
    The history of physics.Anne Rooney - 2012 - New York: Rosen.
    Presents a history of physics, discussing atoms and elements, radiation and speed of light, and energy fields and forces.
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    Fanny Bugnon, Les « Amazones de la terreur : sur la violence politique des femmes, de la Fraction armée rouge à Action directe.Anne Steiner - 2016 - Clio 43:299-302.
    Les « Amazones de la terreur » est issu de la thèse de l’historienne Fanny Bugnon, La violence politique au prisme du genre à travers la presse française (1970-1994), dirigée par Christine Bard et soutenue en novembre 2011 à l’Université d’Angers. À la fin des années 1960, dans le sillage des mouvements étudiants, des groupes de lutte armée, anticapitalistes et anti-impérialistes, sont apparus presque simultanément en Europe, au Japon, et aux USA. Tous comprenaient un nombre élevé de femmes d...
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    Compétition symbolique entre les espèces.Anne-Laure Thessard - 2020 - Multitudes 78 (1):67-73.
    Comprendre le traitement médiatique, les discours de rêve ou de cauchemar qui accompagnent l’intelligence artificielle, suppose une analyse au prisme de la « triade animalité, humanité, machinité », à même de mettre à jour les projections ontologiques humaines à l’endroit des IA et de ce qui fait souvent figure de contraire dans notre imaginaire : les animaux. Le robot comme figure imaginaire y est un vecteur de dévoilement de l’implicite. Les fantasmes et craintes suscitées par les IA, si élevés et (...)
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  47.  51
    Facts and rudeness.Anne Lloyd Thomas - 1965 - Mind 74 (295):399-410.
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    How to have narrative‐flipping history in a pandemic: Views of/from Latin America.Anne-Emanuelle Birn - 2020 - Centaurus 62 (2):354-369.
    This piece seeks to elucidate how and why Latin America is neither anecdotal nor peripheral to pandemic preoccupations—nor to larger health and disease narratives—past and present. First, it examines the world's proportionately most destructive pandemic as coterminous with the rise of imperialism. Next, it traces how the impetus for international health cooperation based on regional crises predated and informed efforts elsewhere. Finally, it explores two under-charted narratives: the creative harnessing of data produced under adversity, and alternative health solidarities that bypass (...)
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    Co-habitats dans la ville aujourd'hui.Anne Debarre - 2009 - Cahiers Philosophiques 118 (2):35-47.
    Face à la perte de l’urbanité, manifeste dans le repli sur l’entre-soi des ensembles résidentiels contemporains, des architectes rêvent d’habitats qui permettraient de « faire société ». Si leurs architectures sont diversifiées afin que les individus puissent signifier leur existence, elles dialoguent entre elles dans le jeu de leurs différences et offrent une relation à l’extérieur, aux autres, mais toujours maîtrisée. Dans ces co-habitats, le partage et l’ouverture de lieux collectifs invitent les résidents à réaliser une ville socialement durable de (...)
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  50.  13
    Langlesning av Fløgstad.Anne Karine Kleveland - 2020 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 38 (1-2):569-575.
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